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Eye Exercises for Visual Health and School Success

Visual Memory

Visual Memory is the ability to remember for immediate recall the characteristics of a given object or form. If we have trouble inputting information into our short term memory, we can’t process it into our long term memory for permanent storage. Children with poor visual memory may struggle with comprehension. They often subvocalize as they read because they must rely on auditory input to help them compensate. They may have difficulty remembering what a word looks like or fail to recognize the same word on a different page. They may also take longer copying assignments because they can’t retain information long enough to transfer it from the board to their page.


faviconMemory Games

  1. Click on the pictures below for these memory exercises.
  2. You will have 30 seconds to remember everything you can about the picture.

 mem 10 icon        mem 12 icon        mem 13 icon        mem 14 icon


faviconMinute Memory

  1. Click on the pictures below for these memory exercises.
  2. You will have one minute to remember everything you can about the picture.

  memory icon 1     memory icon 2     mem 21 icon rev    memory icon 8